Understanding the Importance of Seeking Help: A Lesson in Humility

Too often, we try to handle everything ourselves. We consider our options based on experiences, confidence, financial constraints, and the desire to maintain control. But sometimes circumstances, and God, remind us it’s okay to seek help.

In the past, I had designed each of my e-book covers, and I had intended to do the same for my memoir. This time, I was determined to expand my skills and create a paperback cover. However, my initial efforts fell short of my expectations, so I revisited my photo achieves and selected three different photographs. With a clear vision in mind, I tried to bring my cover design to life, but as time passed and health issues kept me down, it was clear I wasn’t up to the challenge. 

I needed help, but seeking assistance meant I had failed.

Or did it?

For months, I had self-edited my completed manuscript more times than I can count. I made changes (twice) based on my critique partner’s suggestions before doing the same with an editor, then a proofreader. I tackled computer and social media tech problems, spent many hours planning a book launch, creating posts to gain beta readers and launch team members, designing announcement posts, and much more. All this between health issues.

I was exhausted.

I had to make a decision.

Quit or trust God to complete the work He began in me, and reach out to Dawn LeGros, a talented book cover designer.

When I finally contacted Dawn, instantly, the burden of trying to do everything myself lifted. Dawn provided thorough explanations whenever I had questions or needed clarification. Her exceptional communication abilities and friendly demeanor made the entire experience effortless and enjoyable.

Using my photos, Dawn created an eye-catching e-book and paperback cover that perfectly captures the essence of my memoir. Here she is with her adorable 10-year-old daughter, Lilly, after receiving a complimentary copy from me.

Selfie by Dawn LeGros

By seeking help, we not only ease our own burdens, but also allow others to showcase their talents.

Are circumstances or pride stopping you from accomplishing your dream?

If so, here’s a prayer to help you move forward:

“Father, thank you for the dream you’ve placed in my heart, and the skills you’ve enabled me to learn along the way … for the wisdom to know when I need help, and the humility to seek it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Check out Dawn’s beautiful covers on her website and Facebook:

Brew Creativity: Awaken Your Dream!

A book launch is an exciting event, but it can also be overwhelming. As authors, we hope everyone who hears about our book will purchase it (after all, e-books are less than a cup of coffee), read it, love it, write a kind review, share it, talk it up, and even re-read it. One can’t do this with a cup of coffee!

If you are an author or creative artist, you can relate to this sentiment. Most importantly, you appreciate the desire to create something valuable, impactful, and inspiring. Therefore, marketing can feel unfamiliar and downright uncomfortable for many of us.

We aim to offer hope, a touch of kindness, and guidance based on our experiences and/or education, rather than focus on sales.

While writing Country Perks and Grit, I wanted to leave a lasting family legacy, and offer hope to others that they too can step out of their comfort zones in pursuit of their dreams. It doesn’t have to be a country lifestyle or growing and preserving your own vegetables. Maybe you want to be a nurse, live in a tiny house by the ocean, pass an exam, or write a song.

When we take action on something we’re meant to do, we find purpose.

Achieving your dreams isn’t a simple task. It requires dedication and perseverance. By diligently applying oneself and staying true to the path that God has laid out, a realm of incredible opportunities and unexpected surprises will unfold before you. Here are two that surprised me:

 Country Perks and Grit ranked

#1 New Release and #1 Best Seller!

 It received five 5-star reviews within five days of release!

After filling your cup with freshly brewed coffee, take the first step towards achieving your dream. If you need a little encouragement, pick up your copies today. Glean useful tips from Country Perks and Grit to help motivate your own path into reality. 

Do you have a dream you’d like to share? If so, I’d love to cheer you on.

Did you know Country Perks and Grit is now available in paperback?

It’s Finally Here!

Country Perks and Grit is now available!

If you’re one of the many who preordered, look for it on your Kindle. The paperback version will be released soon.

I’m in ahh that so many of you supported me during the preorder. Because of you, my book remains on Amazon’s Best Seller List!

You’re incredible!

If you haven’t purchased it yet, you can do so here.

Country Perks and Grit is a true story, containing 33 chapters detailing the journey of embracing a personal dream (some scary, some funny) and a new lifestyle. Here are a few of them I think will interest you.

  • Big Mistake
  • Night Howl
  • Runaway Bull
  • The Great Race
  • Birth of a Rancher
  • One Thousand Trees

This book also includes insights and practical tips for those who dream of a change. No matter what your dream is, Country Perks and Grit offers something for everyone! On Facebook one follower commented:

Thank you, everyone for making this an exceptional day!


Join the Inner Circle: Book Launch Team Invitation

I am thrilled to announce that my most cherished book, Country Perks and Grit, is almost here! This is a personal account in pursuing a dream to relocate and establish a life in the countryside, and the man who planted over one thousand trees. That would be my husband!

Country Perks and Grit will inspire you to live your dream too, no matter where that is!

I’d love for you to join me in sharing our journey.

There are a few spots available on my private Facebook, Book Launch Team. If this sounds like a book you’d love, and would like to support me, click the link below for more details. But first, here are the advantages you can gain as a valued member.

  • By joining, you will not only experience the joy that comes with helping an author, but also inspire others to read.
  • You will meet new team members, some of whom may even become lifelong friends.
  • Serving on a private book launch team also allows you to interact directly with the author and witness the results of the team’s collective efforts.
  • It only requires a few minutes of your time, yet the impact you make will leave you feeling great.
  • By participating, you play a crucial role in getting a book into the hands of readers.
  • By helping to launch a book, you become an integral part of the author’s dream, boost their confidence, and validate their hard work and dedication.
  • As an essential part of the launch, your contribution ensures that the author’s dream becomes a reality.

I hope you will join us. Here’s the link to sign up for my private FB Book Launch Team. We are a small, but impressive, friendly group.
